What's valuable?

Larry Janesky: Think Daily

When we are asked this question, the first thing our minds go to is what things are worth in dollars – what someone else is willing to pay for it. 

But there are many things that are valuable to you that others don’t care about, or that they would not pay anything for.  

What’s valuable to you and what is valuable to others are two different things.

Buying something, even something expensive, is a means to what you really want. 

What’s that?

What’s valuable to you?

Boris Ermant

Good morning, this is very interesting topic. What would you suggest, how to find out what is valuable to others?

Jennifer Porter

I am currently reading The Overstory by Richard Prowess which is a novel about humans and their relationship with trees, more so the fact that humans were doing everything they could to decrease logging and save trees. It really makes you think because it explains how trees are able to communicate with each other and are given humanistic qualities. I guess where I am going with this is that value doesnt have to equate to how much you are willing to spend on it but I would say the most valuable thing to spend is your time. The people in the novels give their time to these trees and get absolutely nothing back in return. Why is that not the common norm? Why do people find value in things that cost them?

Lisa Pant

What I value most are things that can’t be bought. Health, Friendship, Time.. Maybe because of my age I no longer value material things the way I used to.

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