Life – your choice.

Larry Janesky: Think Daily

An old native American man sat on a hill with his grandson.  He spoke to him.

“There is a battle going on inside me.  Two wolves are fighting.  The black wolf is full of fear and anger, hate and revenge, envy and sorrow.  The white wolf full of kindness and gratitude, peace and joy, love and forgiveness.”

The old man stopped talking.  The breeze wiggled through the high grass and moments passed.  The old man stared out over the valley as his grandson processed what he had said.  The old man waited.

Finally the boy spoke.

“Which wolf wins?, he said.

The old man replied. 

“The one I feed.”


David Drescher

I appreciate this message from you. Hits home.

John Cossey

Wow this one really spoke to me. I’m gonna share it with my production team this morning. Great life lesson!!


Love this Larry!


I needed to hear this today! Thank you!

Alexis Litz

We are grateful for you Larry. Thanks for sharing your wisdom with us!

Gray Wilson

That was a great story and so true! Thank you once again for these nuggets that improve our vision of what should be….

Frank Braun

That was a great blog today! Often, I’m inspired by your writings, this one was awesome.

Pete Forest

Indeed: NEVER feed demons. Demons are not real. They are illusory somethings that we create with our own free will.

I’ve literally just (within the last hour) been turned down from 3 job applications.

I understand exactly why, in each case. And in each case, it’s their missed opportunity, based on their fear.

Nevertheless, I have thanked all of them, and wished them well.

Another 2 recruiters have called me into interview, within the last hour, without me even applying.

I can only win.

(I) Bless the ground that you walk upon and the air that you breathe.

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