How to talk on the phone

Larry Janesky: Think Daily

Smile when you talk.  It makes your voice sound different and people can hear it on the other line.

When they know you are smiling they will respond to you better.

Don’t you like smiling people?

Don’t you like to do business with people you like?



Jay Church

I’ll work at smiling on the phone – good tip. Also grateful Sam is on our team!

Nancie Gray

Great advice Larry! By smiling (even through the phone) you can make someone’s day!


It’s also important to interject the person’s first name a couple times during the call. When the customer or prospect hears their first name being used, you are projecting that you are good listener and trustworthy.

Patrick O'Toole

When I worked in support, I had a mirror on my desk so I could see myself when I was on the phone and remember to smile. It really does make a difference in how you sound!

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