How far can you go?

Larry Janesky: Think Daily

Only when you risk going too far can you find out how far you can go.

Try and see what you can do!

Jay Church

Good morning from Basement Systems of Indiana!

Jeff Russell

Good morning Larry!

Howard Tatge

I have had this type of conversation many times. One of them was “How large can your company get?” It can only get as large as you think it can. Its all in your mind. Another one is “How are you going to do that?” I’m not sure, but we’ll figure out a way.
Have a great day everyone!

Pete Forest

I just watched Into The Dust 4, by accident, which led me here, to subscribe to Think Daily.

I like the fact that the ‘The’ is capitalised, because it IS ‘Into The Dust’ rather than ‘Into the Dust’. It’s a story of how a great team can achieve a great result.

My favourite moment is when Larry says, “See: you persevere, and the course gives you a gift.”

I’ve had enough of compromise, enough of ‘It is what it is’ complacency, which is a toxically wrongful shrug-off of responsibility.

Nothing exists or happens without (pre)causation.

I have just ‘gone too far’, by quitting from a place whose ‘solution’ to an inadequate warehousing situation that stretched an understaffed warehouse team (of 2) was to hire another manager!

You cannot run a 5 star restaurant from an ice cream truck.

(I) Bless the ground that you walk upon and the air that you breathe.

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