Go for Win-Win-Win!

Larry Janesky: Think Daily

Yesterday we talked about your ability to solve problems.

One easy way to solve problems for you or your client is to create another problem for someone else.

You could borrow money and kick the can down the road for someone else to worry about.

You could negotiate hard and make a better deal for yourself, but a bad deal for someone else.

You could use your positional power to take something away from someone in your charge to “solve a problem” while creating one for someone else.

People that solve THEIR problem but make one for someone else aren’t loved for long, and their acts will be remembered.  Instead, find solutions that are good for ALL parties involved.  

Sometimes this has all parties jumping up and down for joy.  Most times though one party is happy, and one party is not thrilled, but glad it wasn’t worse for them.  Maybe they don’t even know what a bad deal they could have received, but you didn’t allow it. 

Be fair.  Make things better because of your presence – for everyone.



Matt Golonka

Today I am thankful to be a part of my new family at Contractor Nation!

Willis Ponds

Larry I completely agree with attempting Win-Win for every problem. The reality is that if all parties are doing right then the solution should be Win-Win for everyone. The only person who should ever suffer is the one who did wrong and thereby has to correct it. One approach I use is to offer two solutions. One will be less painful than the other but will still solve the problem. By doing this the parties involved realize that things could have been worse but that the chosen solution will be least painful. We must also always be open-minded to the solutions offered by others. Thinking have the know-all-end-all knowledge of solutions is a fatal mistake.

Jim Burlison


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