Creative quitting

Larry Janesky: Think Daily

I’m the “I don’t quit” guy, but today I’m going to talk about quitting.

Sometimes we get involved in something that is not right for us.  It will take too much of our life force and resources otherwise to make it a success, and we are not enjoying it.

It’s not so much that we are quitting when we quit, but that we are fixing a mistake because we have new information by trying it.

If the horse is dead, get off.

What else can you do with that time/resources that you can be far more productive at?

Jon Bridgan

I am grateful for this message today. Thank you.

Jim Burlison

I’m thankful for this message and William Cantey too 🙂


Seven years ago my boss purchased business B, which is exactly like business A, which he started 30+ years ago, and is very successful. You would think it would be a no brainer that business B would be successful due to previous experience with A. Unfortunately, my boss struggles with B because there is a different culture and the customer base is more blue collar, and A is more white collar customers. I will let you draw your own conclusions, but he shouldn’t have purchased B and should get off the horse.

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