Bad attitude – you gotta go.

Larry Janesky: Think Daily

Team members who have bad attitudes have to go.

Gossip, undermining the leader’s initiatives, resisting positive change, not giving their best effort, working the system to their benefit, only thinking about themselves, not playing well with others…

A leader who puts up with it, is not doing a good job.

The person with the bad attitude may be a friend, family member, long-time employee, or someone who “knows things others don’t”; but it doesn’t matter – they have to go.

Pete Forest

You have just described a lot of British managers!

Jeff Russell

Well said! We’ve all had those employees that we tolerate, I think that’s mostly because we knew how good they were at one time, so we keep holding on thinking they might show up the way they used to be! I’ve learned over time that the original person they were was just an act and the real person they are showing us now, is really who they have been all along.


What happens when a bad manager causes a good employee to leave. It has happened at every company I’ve ever worked at. My otherwise positive attitude wants to scream…

Pete Forest

@LP: I absolutely concur.

My experience is the same: toxic, cliquey, lazy, fearful, incompetent ‘managers’ living on the energy of good, proactive, creative workers, who leave.

Q: “Is there anything we can do to make you change your mind?”
A: “What do you have to offer me?”
Blank stare.

Q: “Why do all the good people leave?”
A: “Why do you favor the bad people?”
Blank stare.

Maybe we should all get together and make our own company, even if it’s just virtual.

We can stop each other falling into the same errors.

“Do not allow evil into your life.” (Confucius?)

Buck Buckley

So why does it take so long to fire sometimes for entrepreneurs? It is like Larry, you have a hand on the pulse at the right time and the “RIGHT TIME” 🙂 with your Think Daily. 9 years had to let her go achieve greatness elsewhere.

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