If you hang around people who constantly complain, don’t make themselves useful, don’t try very much, have low expectations, and have nothing to teach you – how can you get better? You won’t. You’ll get worse.
Who are you spending time with?
Improve the mix, and improve yourself.
Great advice, it reminds me of one of my favorite quotes…
“We are the sum of the 5 people we spend the most time with.”
~ Jim Rohn
Excellent advice! I recently had to pull back from someone who was dragging me down. It took me e little while to realize I was falling into the trap. One simple phone call later to terminate the relationship and I immediately felt better.
And, if they’re people on your Team who you need performance from to be successful, you’ll either frustrate and exhaust yourself trying to raise their standards, be pulled down to their level through constant interaction, or start looking for another Team to be on if you can’t get from this Team what is needed to accomplish your goals – none of which are best case scenarios.
Great reminder, Larry! Thanks!
I hang out with great people in Newtown! 🙂
I remember that trip. lol I can still hear him…
Mike Lane – “I was givin the ol’ Honda Davidson all she’s got!”
Even after he is gone, he can still make me smile, change my mood and make me a better person.