
Larry Janesky: Think Daily

Recently my wife asked our 8-year old if he’d like a ride to school in our sports car.  (She usually drives him an SUV or a Tesla).  He said no because the kids would tease him and that they already call him “Tesla boy”.  They were teasing him because in their mind a Tesla is an expensive car and that makes him from a rich family.

He’s 8 years old.  And, this is at a private school.

Where do the other kids get that?  From their parents.  

Human nature is a funny thing.  There will always be people who say that others doing better is somehow a bad thing, for any one of many reasons we have heard. 

If these people don’t strive to do better, then they are making excuses for their own standing.

If they do strive to do better, well, it’s not a good idea to hate what you aspire to be, because your chances of achieving it are diminished if you do.

Envy is not a productive attitude for anyone.  

Now I have to undo this idea inside my son’s head.  Learn well and every day, work hard and apply your talents to help others, and be a good human being – success is good and nothing to be ashamed of.


Tyler Burlison

Love this!

Sheila Marr

Many still think of the pie! Rather they should be thinking of God’s Blessings that he can fill up to over flowing without taking from anyone else. You are blessed!

Jeff stevens

Envy is usually thought of by someone who as. Settle for what they have and don’t strive to be better in all aspects of life. So the difference between you and someone you envy is that you settle and stopped trying.

Judy Gebers

Grandma always said, “A big mouth doesn’t make a big man.” ❤️


When I was about 16 my resolve was to become a millionaire. Always admired people who were well off and wanted to learn from them . By learning a trade , getting a mentor and working smart I was able to create the life and help others . Envy is so destructive.

Joe Blow

Larry, first — I think your emails are awesome. I value them and discuss them with my son. Second, however, might I suggest that the teasing is a reaction, not of envy, but shame and anger at not having achieved commensurate success? Is that the same as envy? Maybe, but my guess is that these people do strive to do better, but have not achieved their goals for whatever reason. Consider whether the display of expensive cars rubs that in their faces?

Louis Gallucci

I love my Toys! That’s what I work for!!!

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