Capitalism vs Socialism

Larry Janesky: Think Daily

“The inherent vice of capitalism is the unequal sharing of blessings.  The inherent virtue of Socialism is the equal sharing of misery.” – Winston Churchill

Socialism seeks to take from those who produce and have, to give to those who do not produce and don’t have.  It takes away the incentive to produce from both sides and reduces the total effort and results produced.

Capitalism gives an incentive to produce, as the fruits of labor and effort can be kept by an individual.  It must have property rights, laws to protect against misdeeds and malice, some reasonable level of regulation, sound money, and personal freedom.

History and current-day examples are full of evidence – capitalism has lifted billions out of poverty.  Socialism (and government-controlled economies) remove freedom and don’t work, and its close relatives communism and dictatorships are disasters.  

I’ll stand for capitalism.  How about you?


Cory Hanneman

Of course anyone in business stands for capitalism: the happiest people are those who do the most for others, and pouring 6-8 figures into our local economies is a lot of very satisfying work. What we must do that’s not getting done is make the case for capitalism in a more winsome way. Think about the audience: 20-something-year-old people that are (rightly) outraged by unnecessary suffering. “If you’re not a rebel by age 20, you got no heart. But if your not establishment by 30, you got no brain” (Kevin Spacey as Buddy Ackerman). Here’s what the trick might be: show how free people always outperform slaves and make the connection between socialism and slavery more clear. Someone who works, but isn’t free to enjoy the fruit of their labor is a ___________.

Jon Bridgan

Sitting here with Tony Hafford this morning. Grateful to be a part of an amazing organization.

Mike Mitchell

Very well said. I believe in equality of opportunity versus equality of result. I stand with you for capitalism!


I’m all in!

Dan Kniseley

PERFECTLY summarized!!
Thanks, Larry!

Joanna Bolovinos

I stand for capitalism ?

Cindy Davis

So well said Larry!

Mary Lawrence


Bob Garbo

Capitalism leads the way, we are so fortunate to live in this beautiful country of ours. America.


Perfectly stated. Can we get this in liquid form and mass distribute to some younger generations?!

John Favors

Um. What Larry said. Nailed it sir. Thanks for all you do

Brandon Carr

Hell yeah!

Tyler Burlison

I will stand for capitalism!

Jack Torossian

Capitalism, but I live in Toronto, Canada!

Ken Hartsburg

Seems the global unelected powers that be, would have us own nothing, and be happy in our 15 minute cities.
Oh, and eat bugs.
I’ll stand for capitalism, and freedom from being a slave. Even if it means dying for it.

Allen Preston

Yes, it seems so simple, and yet is riven with controversy, that subject. And most of that is dissatisfaction of people who did not achieve what someone else did, and they think that isn’t fair. Welcome to “life as we know it.” Give and get is an important equation.

Willis Ponds

Capitalism all the way! An interesting tidbit is that socialism/communism was the first form of government tried in the Americas. It was tried in Jamestown and Plymouth and failed miserably. People even died because of it. It was only when they changed to a capitalistic government that they succeeded. Why do people insist on continuing in the pursuit of those things which have always led to failure? The answer to that could fill a book.

Renee Daconto

100% capitalism. It’s already proven socialism does not work. All we need is to somehow get the younger generation to learn some history.

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