Today's "Risk"

Larry Janesky: Think Daily

Risk used to be going hunting for large animals with a spear, taking to the sea in a boat made with crude hand tools, or betting your family could make it through the winter with the poor autumn harvest you saved in a root cellar.

Today, most “risk” is not life and death.  It’s mostly risking your ego being bruised or risking the criticism of others as you step out of your comfort zone to be someone you aren’t yet, or do something you don’t know how to do yet.  

We’re so controlled by what others think of us that we play cool where we are to please them – and it becomes an excuse for ourselves to not step out of our comfort zone.

If you stop worrying about what others will say, there’s very little risk at all.

Dan Kniseley

So true!

Joe Visinski Jr.

This is one of the best ones you ever shared, and I have been following since year 1! Completely relatable for me, thanks for this Larry

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