No one can want it for you more than you

Larry Janesky: Think Daily

I have a lot of experience observing business owners and salespeople over long periods of time.  Some make lots of progress quickly, some slowly, some very slowly, and some not at all.

Perplexing if you think about it from the perspective that if they did better, they would make more money and have fewer problems.

So why do some just not get there?  They don’t want it or want it bad enough.  

You can’t fix a broken ‘want to’.

Most people that don’t want to take the responsibility, accountability, or do the work (out of their comfort zones at first) to be a great salesperson or a great leader never take that kind of position.  But some do it anyway and then mentally park.  Often they fail, but sometimes they hang on just enough to keep it going – and that is painful to watch.  They can move forward, but they just don’t want it bad enough.  They’re comfortable in their mess.

The way I see it, being a leader means you have a responsibility to your team and customers to do all you can to get it right.  And being a salesperson comes with the responsibility that the rest of the organization is counting on you.

In the end, each of us has to find a role suited for us.  One we love or at least like, and one we are willing to be good at.

George Platt

Hey, Larry, your message hits right between the eyes!
Peace and possibilities,

Jim Burlison

Thank you Larry! Have an amazing day!

Colton Hatfield

Some don’t see past today so then every day continues to look almost the same!

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