Spaced Repetition

Larry Janesky: Think Daily

When we hear, see, or read something good, which we should be doing every day, we must recognize we will forget it.  That is why I capture the valuable idea in a hardcover spiral bound (lay flat) journal.  It can’t get away.  Then I can read it later.

Spaced repetition is the best way to learn.  Being exposed once isn’t going to stick.

In many ways, that’s what Think Daily is about.  You’ve probably been exposed to most of the ideas in Think Daily before, but seeing them again, at a different time, cements them in.

Spaced repetition.

Jeff Russell

I appreciate having Think Daily as a reminder every day! Reading your blog is the first thing I do when I get to my office. Most of the time, the subject matter lines up with what’s going on in my world at that time. The repetition of my morning routine sets my day in the right direction. That’s extremely important to me!

Brandon Carr

“Repetition is the mother of learning.”

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