Did you know I have a School of Entrepreneurship online? It took me 35 years to learn the content through practice, and 3 1/2 years to write.
It’s mostly for contractors, but there is so much in there for any business. But if you are not a home service contractor, you can adopt most models to your business easily. Check it out at thesoe.com. You can sign up for a free trial.
If you watch a short video, let’s say on average 12 minutes a day, it takes 3 1/2 years to get through it all. There are written exercises to download, and I walk you through and discuss each one as you go.
In my industry, most business owners don’t have any training to run a business – they aren’t qualified when they start. I wasn’t qualified when I started either. Most stay that way.
At the same time, we work hard to earn/save money and send our kids to college on speculation that they will actually work in the field we are paying them to learn, while we don’t invest in ourselves in the field we are actually in. It doesn’t make any sense.
(Those last two paragraphs were today’s Think Daily for Businesspeople. Do not fail to educate yourself and learn to do what you are already doing, or should be doing really well from people that have done it.)
If you are NOT a home service contractor, I will extend a 50% discount to the Contractor Nation School of Entrepreneurship if you sign up by April 1. Please contact Bob Showers at [email protected].
SOE is worth-every-penny and then some (I’m not a Contractor)! Thank you Larry for your “Life’s Work” in developing this program – it has literally changed EVERYTHING for me; my business, my personally life … everything! If anyone reads this and isn’t part of SOE yet, you can’t afford NOT to do it, especially with the discount he’s offering! Invest in yourself. DO IT NOW!