HONOR – part 2

Larry Janesky: Think Daily

Some may think they have honor in their group, but their group is doing dishonorable things.

We’ll continue with a definition of honorable people.  They are those…

-who try to listen to “the better angles” of our nature (as Abraham Lincoln said), not the baser darker instincts.

-who is respectful of the rights and sensibilities of others, and will not attempt to use or manipulate people for selfish or devious purposes.

-who fights hard for cors beliefs, but fights fair and views adversaries and opponents as fellow human beings, not enemies to be demonized.

-who stands up for the less fortunate, especially when their lives are being made even more difficult by others.

How do we stand up against these four traits of honor?

We’ll talk more about honor tomorrow…

Michael Haydamous

? i like this wisdom!

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