A "Love – Change" Culture

Larry Janesky: Think Daily

Not all changes are improvements, but all improvements are changes.  In order to get better we need to do things differently.  If you have people who are resistant to change, fear it, are suspicious of it, or just don’t want to change their routine, you’ll have trouble making improvements.

True, too much change at once can overstress an organization, and change for change sake is no good either.  Don’t change what is working really well unless you know the change will make it work even better.  (Do some smaller-scale experiments.) 

Celebrate the changes you and your team have made and the better results that have come as a result.  Make change fun.  Make it as easy as it can be.  Admit when it’s not working.  Ask for help from supporters.  Talk to resistors individually, listen, give them a role, and ask for their support.  

Build a team of people who welcome change and are excited to see improvement, and your organization can move faster.




Who likes change? if nothing changes nothing changes!!

Tom Winmill

Larry, thank you so MUCH for your daily emails! As a subscriber to both Think Daily for Businesspeople and Think Daily, I’ve been uplifted, educated, and inspired. You must put a lot of thought into every single one. Thank you!
– Tom W
P.S. I signed up my son to your Think Daily for Businesspeople and he loves it too!
P.P.S. I’m also a satisfied customer of Northern Basements!

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