Break it down.

Larry Janesky: Think Daily

Now you have your goal for the year.  It may take a year, or more, or maybe a lot less.  That depends on you.

Break it down.  What must be done?  What are all the steps and actions that need to be completed.

Now put them in order.  What is first?  Second?

DO NOT FORGET – You, the leader, do not have to DO all these things.  YOU simply have to see they get done.  Use your team.  Other people are leverage and can get you there faster.  They want to help.  Communicate, empower, and let them help!

Who will do what?

You don’t have to plan every action in order for the year.  It won’t work out that way anyway.  Get a rough framework and deadlines for the year or months, and a tighter plan for the next 60 days, and a really tight plan for the next three weeks.

Then take action.  Action produces information.  You will learn what works, and what needs adjusting, and what does not work.  Adjust your plan as you learn.  Keep your eyes on the goal and the why.



Dustin Gebers

Thankful for you too buddy.

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