The Ultimate War

Larry Janesky: Think Daily

The ultimate war for each of us is the war within. 

Each of us fights it – a battle between good and evil.

The constant struggle to do the right thing or the wrong thing; the thing that is decent/kind/respectful/useful or the thing that feels good in the short term.

It’s the fight to present our higher selves to any moment or situation, or to surrender to our lower impulses.

If we are to have any shot at winning in the world, of influencing it as leaders, and of living to our potential, we must win the war within.

How is your battle going?



We are only strong to the world, and those on it, when we are strong to ourselves, the people around us and our local communities. When the small parts are strong, the whole is strong. The battle of reality vs fantasy wages on in our technological world and within all of us. What is truly important is all that is right in front of us. Or phones and social media have become most people’s best friends, disconnecting us from all that is actually human. We need to be more human to each other and to all humans. …. Let’s make today.. “go help/hug a neighbor day”. Lol!!… we win the inner war when we give of ourselves to others. Thanks for the great daily inspirations Larry! Have a good day everyone!


What a great and simple message! Well done!

Dustin Gebers

There is a battle of a good and a bad wolf in all of us. The one who wins, is the one you feed…

tom matthews

The battle is real … keep fighting. I’ve never known a better feeling than doing the right thing.

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