You're lucky. Pay it forward.

Larry Janesky: Think Daily

“The secret to life is to be grateful for the many benefits you have received and dissatisfied with how many you’ve provided. – Dr. Mardy Groethe

I understand that my life is as good as it is because of the benefits I have received from countless others- made possible by freedom and free market capitalism.  I was lucky to be born in the United States in 1964.  

I could have been born in Mongolia in 855, or central Africa in 1720, or in Connecticut in 350 BC.  I was very lucky on day one of my life.  And if you are reading this, you are too.

I can never repay everyone who made this possible for me.  But I will work to at least keep my world a great place to live and flourish for my grandchildren and their children, and even make it better if I can.


Michael Mitchell

I too am grateful to have been born to n the USA. I am proud to be an American and Everyday I try to make it a little better than I found it.

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