What is "Success"?

Larry Janesky: Think Daily

On Think Daily we talk about “success”.  On Think Daily for Businesspeople we talk about “success”.

So what is “success”?

Many people think that the word means money – you have a lot of it – you’re wealthy.

But that is only the definition if that was your goal – to make a lot of money.

Let me say it this way – could you be a successful mountain climber?  A successful parent?  A successful hobbyist?  A successful athlete?  A successful church leader?  A successful human in any endeavor? 

These goals have nothing to do with making money.  When I want to write a post I think “Is this more appropriate for Businesspeople, or is this for everyone?”  Often times it is applicable to both.

Businesspeople lead teams and their goal is to produce a quality product or service that customers want and to spend less money producing it than they take in so they can make a profit.  If they do not make a profit, the whole group goes home – so yes, making money is imperative in business.

Most subscribers get both Think Daily AND Think Daily for Businesspeople each day.  Pay attention to which Think Daily you are reading for a bit more context.

Success is not about chasing money and sacrificing your life to do so.  If what you are interested in or doing each day involves making money, then being successful at it will yield a higher income and over time, some wealth. 

Being successful to me is about being the best version of yourself while developing your talents into skills – while practicing what you were born to do.  As Earl Nightengale said, “It’s the progressive realization of a worthy ideal or goal”.

There are countless worthy ideals or goals.  Pick one that suits your talent and go for it each day.  And as the definition says, you don’t have to wait until the goal is reached to be a success.  Only to go for it each day and continue making progress.  At Think Daily, that’s what I mean when I talk about success.  And I hope my words help you do that.


Today I am grateful for you

Michael Mitchell

This is a timeless message. As I was reading it, I intended to post the quote by Earl Nightengale – and then I see it in the post today. My very first investment as a professional was his tape collection “Lead the Field”. I listened to it dozens of times and got much insight from it. Thanks for your daily messages and know that many people are enjoying measures of success from the insight you give us each day.

William Lindberg


Richard Louis

I read these words this morning, by George Washington Carver 1864-1943
“It is not the style of clothes one wears. Neither the kind of automobile one drives, nor the amount of money one has in the bank, that counts. These mean nothing. It is simply service that measures success.”

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