What are you moving toward?

Larry Janesky: Think Daily

If your business were perfect, what would it look like?

In its major dimensions, what would be different than it is now?  Quantify each measure.

You gotta’ have a dream, to make a dream come true.

What are you getting up each day to try to make happen?

Dan Kniseley

Thanks Larry! Loved “You gotta’ have a dream, to make a dream come true.”
Simple, but so true – and often overlooked!!!
Also love the pictures you place as the header each day! I enjoy discovering what image you linked to your thoughts this morning; it’s something additional to provide insight and spark meditation on connective thoughts…
As we know from millennia of human history as well as volumes of teachings on wisdom, images are often (much) more powerful – and more distinctly impactful – than words!
Often, if you can show it with integrity, you don’t have to say it – example is typically greater than expression…
Thanks again!

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