
Larry Janesky: Think Daily

“Character consists of what you do on the third and fourth tries.”

By definition, great achievement is not easy.  If everyone was doing it, it would not be noteworthy and admirable.

Things that are not easy take time to learn and master.

You will try and fail.  Try and it will come out messy.  Try and feel uncertain.

Try and take far too long.  Try and be clumsy.  Try and look foolish.

It’s what you do then, that really counts.


Mervin King

Good Morning , From Pa

Tim Garrett

Good morning, Larry. You just described me perfectly. Tomorrow morning, I will be displaying my Emergency Power Outlet for the first time in public at the manufacturing Expo in Bridgeport CT. It has been a long time in the making.
Thank you for your blog everyday it keeps me going.

Dean Taylor

Great “Think Daily” this morning! The desire to “be better” and “do better” and ultimately “win” is what drives me. The only time all is lost is when you quit. To paraphrase Theadore Roosevelt… “ it’s not the critic that counts, credit belongs to the man in the arena, the one that errs, the one that strives to do the deeds.”

Do the deeds…never give up!

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