Perseverance to succeed

Larry Janesky: Think Daily

Here is a quote from Admiral William McRaven – 

“I believe history will show that success is not just a function of brains or brawn, or talent or intellect, of skill or resourcefulness, but of perseverance.

Genius without resolve is just another passing person with a bright idea.  Athletic prowess without determination is just another talent wasted.  The world is filled with men and women who amounted to nothing because they gave up on their dreams; because they didn’t have the guts, the determination, the willpower to keep going – no matter what.

But history is also filled with heroes who fought through the challenges, persevered, and made a difference.”

How much persistence have you mustered in pursuit of your big, long-range goals?

Ryan Burlison

Today I am grateful for my daughter, Carmendy.

Allen Burchell

Thank you for sharing Larry. Today I am grateful for too many things to list. I am Blessed in so many ways.

Judy Gebers

Love, LoVE, LOVE that blog today! Truly believe the majority of our success is directly tied to stubborn determination to Never Give Up!


I am thankful for Russell Dillon at Total Mechanical Systems

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