People think mostly about themselves

Larry Janesky: Think Daily

People think mostly about themselves.  Don’t you?

Most of the time you are thinking about your problems, your dreams, what you are going to eat, what you are going to do this weekend, your family, your home….your world revolves around you.

So what do you think your prospects and customers are thinking about?


When marketing to them, don’t just talk about you and your products, talk about them and their lives and their problems.  They will listen more when you talk about their favorite subject – their own life.

Take a look at your marketing.  Does it say “we do this, and we are great because of this and that?”

Or does it say “You’ll never have this problem again” and “you’ll feel great and be thrilled with this”?

Talk their language.

Jay Church

Welcome Chip Reeves!

Fiona Pool

I am grateful for you Larry, and the wonderful EO event you hosted for us on Monday.

Alexis Litz

This is so true! It can be hard to step out of your own mind and consider the needs of others but it is essential! Great advice.

Dan Kniseley

Thanks Larry!! Great reminder of where to keep our focus and why!

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