Attractive packaging

Larry Janesky: Think Daily

When you package goods attractively, you get more money for them.  You know this is true.

Pay attention to your personal packaging because the world accepts you as you present yourself.

Nobody argues with who you say that you are.

Ron Day

I just wanted to thank my sales team at Klaus Roofing of Ohio. They sold over 57k yesterday and E. Long sold three deals in one day.

Thank you for all the effort you guys put in the training.


Great photo!

Barry Kindt

Today…I am grateful for U.S. Congressman Scott Perry who leads the Freedom Caucus! He has the fortitude to stand up for all of us who truly appreciate our United States of America!

Patrick O'Toole

This is something I took for granted for far too long. Better late than never to get your own glow-up!

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