The Sun will come up tomorrow!

Larry Janesky: Think Daily

The sun is the reason we are all alive and it’s not going anywhere soon.

It’s the star closest to the earth and 110 times the size of the earth.

Its core temperature is 15 million degrees celsius!  So I am glad it’s 93 million miles away – just right!

It takes light 8 1/3 minutes to reach the earth from the sun.

It provides heat to the entire solar system and is how life is sustained here on Earth.

The good news is that no matter what happens in the economy or politics and our little world, it has enough nuclear energy to burn for another 5 billion years!

Good news indeed.

Jen G

Love the sun! Good morning to you too Larry ?

Patricia Villers

I love the sun! And the moon! Have a wonderful day.


You left out an important part. The sun evaporates moisture which then goes into clouds, the clouds produce rain which helps your business. 🙂

Bob ligmanowski

Sunny here in Chicagoland!

RK Bob Brown

well sort of. In 1-2 Billion years the sun will use up all of it Hydrogen and begin helium fusion, which will turn it into a red giant that will expand and swallow the earth!

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