Simple Ideas, Ruthlessly Executed

Larry Janesky: Think Daily

This is an idea from my School of Entrepreneurship (

There are lots of good ideas out there – too many to even pay attention to, nevermind implement in your business.

The good news is you don’t need all of it to succeed. 

Pick some easy-to-understand, easy-to-teach ideas, principles/models that will work for your business and that fit into your vision and value system –  and EXECUTE on them – deeply; no excuses.

Simple ideas, ruthlessly executed.

Jim Burlison


Ed Krieger

Hi Larry, As you know, I don’t comment often – Zack asked me not to!
I felt compelled to agree in writing with this blog comment. We have run and grown our business on four simple concepts from SOE and each gear within our machine on about the same number of inspection points. When I talk with dealers, it seems they are almost all chasing some new, shiny object (and investing all their time and energy into that new learning) to abandon what is working pretty well for them already. What they are already doing (have learned) needs a little tweaking or slight modification to make an improvement that lasts for decades.
Thanks for the reminder!
One of my biggest jobs is and has been to remind our management team that we are NOT changing much of anything, except through incremental improvement.

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