See who you can become

Larry Janesky: Think Daily

“Your goal is the development of your full potential.  Why not see who you can become?” – Jim Rohn

Owning a business and being a leader is an amazing opportunity to become someone better and to see what you can really do in the world.

I started in the basement waterproofing business (still in it after 35 years).  What could someone expect from a kid who stumbles into the basement waterproofing business?

Any business can be redefined and done a new way. 

Any business can be a canvas for the expression of creativity and higher value and a gateway to an even more positive impact in the world.

But that – is up to you.  It’s up to what you do with this, right now, today.

It’s not about what you get in the end, it’s about who you have become in the process.

Dustin Gebers

I’m only getting started my friend. 🙂

I’ll see y’all in MN in 2 weeks!!

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