Jim Rohn Week!

Larry Janesky: Think Daily

For the next five days (at least) I will quote one of my favorite mentors, Jim Rohn.  If you are looking for someone to listen to, you can get a lot from listening to Jim.

“Remember that whatever you move towards, tends to move towards you”.

What is your biggest problem?  The one thing that is holding you back?

Take lots of action in solving it.  Declare your intentions to everyone around you.  Get help.  Look it up.  Ask people who have dealt with this before. Ask.  keep taking action.  Try.  Ask.  Don’t stop.

The answer moves closer to you when you move closer to it.


Aaron Stull

Today’s message was just what I needed to read. Thank you.

Thiesa D

One of my favorite Jim Rhon quotes is: STAND GUARD AT THE DOOR OF YOUR MIND. <3

David K. Bryan

Jim Rohn’s content is amazing and consistently thought provoking. Looking forward to the weeks worth of ideas.
Great CN Live this year Larry

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