It doesn't matter what you NEED

Larry Janesky: Think Daily

“The only thing you present to opportunity is talent, skill, and performance.  You don’t present need to opportunity.” -Jim Rohn

When I was on the starting line for my third attempt at finishing the Baja 1000 solo on a dirt bike, it didn’t really matter how much I needed to finish.  It only mattered if I was prepared, and had the ability and if I’d perform through it.

The same is true for anyone with any opportunity.  It doesn’t matter how much you NEED the money, result, win, or sale.  Your NEED has nothing to do with it.

Your performance does; and you can influence how you perform in all the days, weeks and years before the performance when nobody is looking.

Lance Stratton

Let’s clarify that “need” might very well be the motivation that pushes us to do our best, work our hardest, etc… So I don’t think need can be eliminated from the equation.

Jeff Russell

This is probably my favorite Jim Rohn quote! Performing well has everything to do with the drive to the end result of what’s needed. Needs and Wants are often confused with each other, especially in todays world.

Jeff Miller

So true. The rewards for how you do are directly related to your preparation. I struggle with my mental, thanks for this canvas

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