Is it still ok to tell the truth?

Larry Janesky: Think Daily

There are a lot of opinions out there and they seem to be getting stronger and more divisive.

It can have you wondering if it’s ok to say things anymore.

Of course, if you have a bias or thinking problem, then maybe that is warranted.

But I think we need more people standing up and saying what we know to be true.  Because when you say it, others feel that it’s still ok to say, and they will speak it too.

Here are some examples.

We should work and make a contribution to society in the process.

Hard work is noble and admirable.  Sloth is not.

At the very least, good behavior should not be punished and bad behavior should not be rewarded.  

Families should stay together. A child needs a loving Mom and a Dad, or good substitutes.

Being a Dad is a responsibility that should not be avoided.

We should manage our finances well, and so should our government.

Character counts and should be taught everywhere – from the man in the street to the leader in the palace.

Drugs for recreation are bad.  

Free market capitalism is the best system for prosperity and bringing out the best in people.

Opportunity should be given based on merit.

People should be free to live as they wish (so long as they don’t hurt anyone and don’t take their stuff) – and accept the consequences.

I know that all these statements may be inflammatory to some these days.  I guess that’s my point.  I believe they are still true.  And because someone else doesn’t, it doesn’t make them not true.

What’s the definition of truth?  We all may have a little different version.  But why don’t we stick to “what works and what doesn’t”?

Nobody can convince everyone else of all their positions.  But being a voice for what we know for sure and have evidence for, is important.  Be nice, be kind, but be a voice.  Otherwise, other ideas will prevail.


Jim Lahl

Everyone please spread this one far and wide. (Or try to..)

Roger S. Harris


I enjoy your daily notes. Another truth that needs to be told is that those values you stated are not Republican or Democrat, Conservative, Moderate or Progressive. They are held by folks across those parties, various religions and various trades. And just because some politician makes decisions compliant with some of those truths does not make him a saint or a cult figure. As we have seen by the prior President who committed many sins, lies and was responsible for divisive and misleading language that caused the January 6th riots, one must focus on the issues in civil manner, not personalities when choosing our leaders today. Our democracy is at stake and the ends do not justify the means used sometimes.

Best Regards,


Chris Weckmann

An exceptionally well written and important topic. I will try to share it with the world.

Michael Mitchell

I too am grateful for those who tell the truth. It never hurts for it to be said and it emboldens others to also speak the truth and know that they are not alone in their convictions

Jeff Russell

This needed to be said. I hope more people listen to it!

Eric Lecko

I agree with you 100%.

Willis Ponds

Well said! I love the truth and you speak TRUTH!

Allen Burchell

Absolutely correct 1000%! A saint I am not, however I tell people up front if they don’t want to hear the truth then don’t ask me a question. Anyone who looks at my FB page can tell you that I am strong in my Faith, I love my Son and my family more than life itself and my beliefs whether religious or political are unwavering.

Aunt Donna

I only wish more parents would pass on these values. Way to go Larry!

Alexis Litz

Very well written and I agree with your points. I find it particularly disturbing when employers encourage their employers to lie in order to meet the company’s objectives. No amount of money is worth compromising your morals but unfortunately, many people feel stuck where they are.

Alexis Litz

To add to my previous comment, I appreciated the integrity I experienced with your Basement System staff. From the initial assessment/quote I was very pleased with the honesty of your staff. The technicians took alot of pride in their work too and went the extra mile. Totally honest all the way through. That is how you run a company!

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