In the beginning, you're alone

Larry Janesky: Think Daily

No one believes in your dream at the beginning.  You are on your own to birth it and keep it alive.

It’s only when you start achieving some success that some start noticing.  When you do even better they come around and say they believe in it, (now that it is proven) and want to be part of it.

The seed must germinate in your early belief in yourself to shape your idea and make it work.

Jeff Russell

I am also grateful for Lisa..
Recently Devon Rogers said to me, “in the beginning your were the only one that could see where we were going, and it’s nice to see that we are getting there”. That’s confirmation that things are working our as planned.

Jim Patton

Lisa is such a pleasure to work with. I am truly grateful for her as well!

Michael Haydamous

When I started my business I had no financial means to survive. I asked many friends to partner up with me, to share the burden. I depicted my vision and the reward that will eventually come. I was very enthusiastic, but no one believed… they found many reasons why it won’t work. Finally I had to do it on my own.
After a couple of years, the ideas started to materialize. Then everything one, now, wants to be part of it… it was too late I’ve made it on my own… the discussion of sharing my journey happens now at different terms!


This one is true 100% of the time. Whether your idea will be successful or not is irrelevant. No one will believe in it at the beginning. Only colleagues or friends that know of your previous successes might believe you’ll make it happen just because you’ve done it before for something else. But they still won’t actually believe in the idea you put forth. It’s on you, and you only. Thank you for bringing focus to this Larry. A true hardship of the entrepreneur.

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