Crowds and quality of life

Larry Janesky: Think Daily

Would you rather live in a more crowded place or a less crowded place?

Which do you think provides the best quality of life?

Let me know with the orange comment button.

For me, I prefer a less crowded place.  I like the quiet where I can think better.  I like the woods and animals, but like some people around, and to be within a short driving distance of a small city.



Jay Meierdiercks

Less crowded, by far!

Kevin Koval

I like having space and nature around me with accessibility to amenities and people


In my younger days I preferred the city with lots to do and see. Now I much prefer living in the country where it is calm and peaceful.

Ken Kumph

Less crowded. We have a 2nd home in Vermont. We love the peacefulness

joseph o'toole

Less crowded tranquility is not easily found in todays society.

Bill Alber

I love both. There’s energy in big, safe cities like Boston and Paris that energize my body and mind. There’s energy in nature that lifts me to an almost blissful state. If I had to pick one it would be less crowded. But thankfully I’m free to enjoy both!

Helene McQuaide

Same! And I am blessed to have that living in Mt. Lebanon, Pittsburgh, PA.

Joanna Bolovinos

I prefer a less crowded place. I can think clearly- too crowded is too distracting?


We live and work in a suburb of New York City (in New Jersey) – within 3 miles (as the crow flies) of Times Square. Getting to times sqr during rush hour would take 2 hrs (w public transportation or my own car). But yet the town we live in is very tranquil and quiet. All are single family homes w small yards – enough trees and grass to make it feel like very far away from the city and yet we can be in Manhattan via ferry in 30 minutes. To me it’s the best of both worlds.

Nicole Hogan

I also like a less crowded place, but to be close enough where I can shop around and see civilization, but also have a quiet place to create a little sanctuary for my family!


Definitely less crowded, you described your favorite very similar to mine.
Only thing I want to add in my life is a lake at the bottom of my yard ( by moving not building lol) so i can have my boat on a lift at the dock. Water is my true happy place .

cory liptak

I prefer a less crowded place I live in the Berkshires on a private dirt road 1 mile in from a main road on a lake in the woods, this time of year most of the seasonal folks are long gone and me and a couple others on the lake have it all to our self’s till Memorial day weekend , I don’t mind the 30 min travel to work its a small price to pay.

Chris S

Far enough away that one’s ears feel weird due to the rarely-felt sense of silence but close enough to neighbors that you can walk (or crawl) to their homes.

Terry Zegans

I prefer to live in a less crowded place. I enjoy the trees, the lake & my hummingbirds. My place of peace.

Jonathan Towne

less crowded place

Larry Collette


Chris Sholes

I completely agree.

frances bentley

Less crowded place.


less crowded, surrounded by nature.

Scott Denker

I live in a very quiet neighborhood on a 1.5 acre lot. My back yard is secluded by trees and my neighbors houses are at least 100 feet away on either side. However, we are 5 minutes away from US Rt I-75 and the Ohio Turnpike. Toledo Express Airport is 10 minutes away and Detroit metro is 50 minutes. Other than the weekly National Guard jets flying over and an occasional cargo plane it is very peaceful and quiet and we love it. I will take the noise of the jets for their beauty and the security that they offer. God bless America!

Tim Wooden

Thank you for sharing your insight and presenting a challenge for be to think and chew on each day! Truly appreciated……..

Erich Krause

I live in Calgary, Alberta. I like living in the city but in a single family house on a small lot, 10 mins from my office. To get the outdoors experience I drive one hour to play in the foothills of the Rocky Mountains. The best of both worlds.

MaryAileen Clark

I currently live in Charlotte which is quickly becoming a big city. I moved here from a 12 acre farm in a small town. I like the availability the city offers in retail and social items but I dearly miss the quiet serenity of my farm town. I would go back in a second if I could.

Don Marshall

I like to work in the City. Lots of opportunity, but live on the outskirts where there is more land and spacious feel. Being close to the city gives more than work than just work: Museums, sports, shows and night life to name a few.

Allen Burchell

Having just moved to Clinton, NC from Knoxville, I can say that although Knoxville isn’t a big city, there are lots of differences. Clinton reminds me of Knoxville 30 years ago. I enjoy seeing fields and farm lands in NC. In Knoxville it’s hard to find land that isn’t being developed into subdivisions. I prefer the quietness of the country, but convenience of the city.

Justin Waller

I much prefer rural to urban living. I’d like to live in the country but within 100 miles from a small to medium city. I’ve been to some of the world’s “great” cities (Rome, Berlin, Barcelona, Seoul, Tokyo, New York City, Las Angeles) and found them cold and soulless. There’s a charm to a small city that has just enough to meet your needs. At least that’s how I feel about it.

Lisa P

I like small towns where everybody you grew up with is within a 10 mile radius. Not of fan of big cities. Only to go for shows or sports and head back home to peace and quite.

Kris Bloedow


Edward Ervin

definitely less crowded

Taylor Bailey

I like the diversity and push to grow and “keeping up” found in busier places but require periodical breaks to a more secluded and relaxing atmosphere to recenter and recharge. Is living in between an option?

If so, I’d love to live right on the cusp where a few steps to the left is the hustle and grind of everyday people in the city while a few steps in the other direction could be nature such as mountains with creeks and nothing but natural sounds or a secluded beach listening to the waves crash into shore. This type of balance is difficult to achieve but well worth the effort in finding it in my opinion.

Josh English

Identical Larry…I would like more space that I have (Pittsburgh South Hills Suburbs currently) but I would not want it to be more than a 10-15 min drive from some “built-up” area.

Jessie Uffman

I live in a farm in Kansas. The town closest to me has a population of 350. I love living in a very rural area. The only thing I dislike about it is in order for my kids to pursue an interest it is either online or I drive an hour away to do it.

Todd Green

Peace and quiet for us

Brandon Carr

I like to think that I could adapt and do either!

Dustin Gebers

I like the woods, the lakes and peace and quiet. I like being in a small town just outside of a city.

Mary Lawrence


Michele Howard

Less crowded is my preference. Peaceful evenings with family pets friends.

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