Avoid stress

Larry Janesky: Think Daily

Yesterday I talked about stress.  Stress is not what happens, but your response to what happens.

So it’s in your control. You can stress, or simply respond productively – maybe even with a smile.

I wanted to share some of the things I do that help me stay relaxed amidst being responsible for over 30 businesses and 1600 employees.

1) I have good people that have been with me a long time taking care of just about everything.  If you chase people away, you won’t have this one day.

2) I became good at what I am doing and have solved the persistent big strategic problems.  The world keeps throwing the same problems at you until you get it right.  I rose to the challenges in previous years.

3) I eat pretty well.  Limit the sugar and carbs (that I really like!).

4) I try to get enough sleep.  This can’t be stated strongly enough.  Sleep is my number one self-care strategy.

5) I exercise.  I work out in my basement or ride motocross or wield a chainsaw by myself for several hours.  Every other day I am sure to work out.

6) I get into the woods.  Being outside in nature, many times by myself, I am sure does my mind and soul good.

7) I delay gratification.  If I don’t get what I was hoping for right now, it’s ok.  I’ll keep at it and I know one day I will.  I’m patient for results, impatient to take action to get them.  (Wow, that was pretty good line!  I have to write that down!)  

8) I work at home in the mornings to get my “thinking work” and creative projects done in silence.  You may not have that luxury, but find silence to think and work and get organized somewhere in your day or week.

9) My wife Marie and I have lots of fun together.

10) I go on trips racing in Mexico and elsewhere; adventures that I really enjoy with my wife and friends

What works for you?

Comment with the orange button!


Carolyn Hiller

I walk 2 miles in the early morning around 4AM with my dog who is sweet, but aggressive with other dogs. I listen to books on tape and between the exercise and taking my mind elsewhere with listening to the books. It eases me into my day, and makes me marvel at the beauty of the stars at that hour. Magical!

tom matthews

There are a lot of good tips here. I especially like No. 6. Quiet time amid nature’s wonders is restorative. Not only does this time reduce stress, it also increases gratitude. Running is my antidote for stress. It clears my mind and gives me strength.

Amanda Walter

I’ve put together a playlist of music that has inspired me over the years, or favorite songs, or songs that trigger great memories. When I’m stressed out, I put on that playlist and go for a drive or tackle a project I’ve been putting off. It not only motivates me, but it takes me to a place that fires me up.

Patrick O'Toole

I try to jump on my elliptical and just go as long as I can. Clear my mind and just be in the moment and make that what my world is about for as long as I’m going. Well… when I have the willpower.

Brandon Carr

A cold shower in the morning to wake up is exhilarating. It starts my day off right. A cup of chamomile tea at night and a warm shower before bed helps me sleep much better.

Dan Kniseley

Great post and great reminders, Larry! We always neglect to ‘sharpen the saw’, then stare at it in wonder (or frustration) when it won’t cut as, and when, needed…
I also loved the other respondents’ thoughts on early morning walks under the stars, time spent communing with nature, and songs on our playlists that trigger good memories. Isn’t it amazing how many of these ideas involve cleansing breaths whether we think conciously about them or nor…?
All great ideas that I need to reconnect with myself!
Thanks everyone – appreciate you all sharing and helping to sharpen my saw today!! 🙂

Dan Kniseley

Also, to share the de-stresser that I use FREQUENTLY – like 4 or 5 times a week… I have a dirt bike and a street bike and, depending on my mood for which terrain I go to, a good hour on one of them is pure euphoria at times 🙂

Mike Mitchell

Excellent post and I definitely will write down the line from item 7. That is classic! I do many of the same things that you do, with excellent result. Another thing that I do is play trumpet as a hobby. It is something that I can put effort into and get results – in addition to be really enjoyable. I can have a really stressful situation, deal with that to the extent possible and then play my horn for a bit. It is liking flipping a switch.


What works for me: Ride my mountain bike 7-8 miles four or five days a week after work. I ride on the road going by scenic places like the beach. I try to ride with the wife as often as possible. Getting on the beach on the weekends in the summer and getting on my snowmobile in the winter up in NH. Getting on the water on the boat in the summer. And keeping that flame going with the wife after 30 years. So just like you, getting outdoors and quality time with wife.

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