What I learned in Dubai, Part 5 – Discipline

Larry Janesky: Think Daily

We’ve talked about leadership.  One thing I didn’t mention is that Emirates LOVE their leaders.  You know how a guy like Saddam Hussein would have pictures of himself put up all over the country?  Well, I always thought that it was like brainwashing the public and forcing yourself on them or something.  And in his case, it probaby was, although I am sure he had many fans. 

But in Dubai, there are pictures of the Sheikhs on billboards all over the place.  But these people truly love their leaders.  Like – really love them.  And for good reason.  

One of them needed a kidney transplant.  100,000 citizens offered to donate their kidneys to him!  When he emerged from a US hospital and was doing good, people celebrated in the streets like crazy!

Dubai has made an incredible amount of progress in a short period of time.  How is this possible?

Well here are some key reasons –

Crime – there is none.  It’s incredibly safe.  You can leave your cell phone on the table at the food court and come back two hours later and it will still be there.  This is because they have strict laws and enforce them.  If you are a foreigner working there and you commit a crime you do your time and then you are deported.  (Compare this to what is going on here today – even among leaders themselves.)

You must work.  If you are a foreigner and lose your job, you must get a new job in 30 days or you are deported.

(Remember, 2 million citizens, 9 million foreign workers.)

Savings – If you turn 65 years old, if you do not have $500,000 in net worth (including equity in a house, etc.), you are deported.  This sound cruel.  But think of it.  You are a guest in their country.  It gives you a strong incentive to save for your retirement.  They are not going to take care of you.

The city is spotlessly and clean.  No trash.  There is no yelling or rude behavior.  People are civil.

The government pays for college education.  They can go abroad and study, but colleges from all over the world have opened branches in the UAE.  (I’d guess their colleges are not obsessed with the same social agendas they have here in US colleges. Just a guess.) 

So the country has no criminals, no homeless, no unemployed, no poor seniors – basically no social drag on the economy.  It has a culture where you are expected to get an education and work and not do evil things.  

Everyone is rowing the boat.

Of course, we can’t deport criminals and poor seniors and I am not saying we should.  (We don’t have a guest workforce.) I am just reporting here folks.  Still, I think we can learn a lot.

If we had more people rowing our boat and less along for the ride others pay for, then we’d be better off.  That’s impossible to argue.

To be continued….

Russell Dillon

Amen to all of that!

Mike Mitchell

I continue to be intrigued by what you report on Dubai. It seems that they have many great ideals and live according to that. I look forward to your comments on the sense of freedom that they have. So far it seems that they have a responsible way of approaching that. When you compare things like crime and self reliance, they certainly have some practices that would be a great improvement as to what we have in the USA. I appreciate our freedoms, but don’t understand why we seem to have neglected (or purposely abandoned) the accountability that is requisite to make a good system work. I’m all for helping people, but adhere to the principal “feed a man a fish and feed him for a day, teach a man to fish and you feed him for a lifetime.” Can’t wait to hear more.

Kenneth Kumph

Larry – I’m so grateful for Think Daily, personal and professional and how I can relate to your messages. Imagine if we can start the Dubai method with our own families and businesses. I can … I hope to meet you somed ay Larry, Thank you Ken

Brandon Carr

I’m learning a lot. I’m surprised this isn’t more well known. Thank you!

Jim Burlison (Cabe)

Love this Larry ~ Thank you!


Thanks for the shout out Larry, I’m loving having a new place to ride and having a riding partner near to my age…as you know the older we get the more they fall by the wayside and are harder to come by. Good luck in the Vegas to Reno this weekend.

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