What I learned in Dubai, Part 4 – Borrow Brains

Larry Janesky: Think Daily

There are two million citizens in Dubai.  Two million people would never be able to build what they have by themselves in such a short time.  So they outsource the work.  They get engineers, and workers and talent from all over the world to work on their projects.

Right now as I understand, there are nine million foreign workers in Dubai.  Think of that.  Two million citizens with a total of 11 million people building their country.

Foreigners can never become citizens.  Your father has to be an Emirati for you to be.  Citizens enjoy benefits non-citizens do not.

It’s amazing what you can do when you don’t try to do it all yourself and you find the right people to help you.

To be continued….

Pat Alber

Hello from the Garden State. We have to add Dubai to our travel list!

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