Don't be evil (I mean – stupid)

Larry Janesky: Think Daily

“Stupidity is the same as evil if you judge by the results.” – Margaret Atwood

If you are a business owner, manager or leader, you have a great responsibility.  And the larger and more significant your business is, the greater than responsibility is.

Why?  Because the civilized society is made up of businesses that provide the products and services and financial resources to employees and government to make the world go around; literally for us to survive.    Without businesses, we go back to loin clothes and caves and early death.  (Try telling me I am overstating my case.)

So as a leader of one of these cells of prosperity creation we have a responsibility to know how to make it work and exercise the personal discipline and energy to do so.

If we have remained ignorant or we are of poor character, we can cause a lot of damage.  And damage from poor performance as a leader is just as destructive as an evildoer getting hold of your business and doing bad things on purpose.

Businesspeople have a great responsibility – and the good ones who build organizations that serve their employees and customers well deserve respect for improving the lives of all of us.

Don’t mess this up. 



Jay Church

Hooray for Bree!!!

Carl Smith

Right on! Right on!
Keep up the good WORK Larry.

Willis Ponds

I couldn’t agree more! This reminds me of a saying, “Never attribute to malice that which is adequately explained by stupidity.”

Jeff Russell

I am also Grateful for Bree! She is an amazing asset to our Indy team.

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