Be around people who believe in you

Larry Janesky: Think Daily

You may have friends who like you when you play life as they do.  The minute you go for more and try to rise up, they aren’t so supportive anymore – you may make them look bad.

You may be around people that love you, but you know they really don’t believe in you becoming the best person you can be.

Then there are the people who believe in you and expect you to do well.  They are supportive of your highest self and inspire you – and you don’t want to disappoint them.  They bring out the best ideals and aspirations in you.

Those are the people you want to be around, talk to, and ask for advice.

Who is that for you?

(If there is nobody you can think of, you need to purposefully open up the circle of people you interact with on a regular basis.)

George Platt

Larry/Cy, I just finished listening to your Audible version of The Highest Calling. Fantastic job! I’ve had the hard cover copy in my library for a long time and never broke the binding. What came first The Highest Calling or Contractor Nation?

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