You should listen to this audiobook now

Larry Janesky: Think Daily

If you are in business or part of one, you should listen to this audiobook.  I wrote and performed it in 2009.  

Robert Reiss has interviewed over 1000 CEO’s (that’s his business!) and read over 1000 books – and THIS one is his favorite.  “It rises to the top and is so full of practical wisdom in a compelling story – that I have read it over ten times!”

If you have read or listened to it in the past, listen to it again.

Get it at Amazon with the link below.

Jessica Gilbert

My husband and I just listened to it again and saw some things from a different perspective than we did the first time. Great book!

Bob Ligmanowaki

Ha! I was thinking about reading it again on Monday ! Just because it was so much my situation, I wanted to review the points again and get excited for my β€œ new
business β€œ in β€œthe knowledge business β€œ .

Larry VanOstrand

Great book and story that I have listened too multiple times. Also, as a business owner, I have found this book to teach you what not to do and what to do to build a successful business! Thank you.

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