"Self-made", with help.

Larry Janesky: Think Daily

I believe in myself and my own abilities.  I have endeavored to keep good character.  I ask no one’s permission to pursue my visions (dreams).  When I succeed, I know it was my will and action that brought about the result – for without me, the result would not exist.

At the same time, I know if I was alone in the world I could achieve but little.  I would not have the achievements of others to live off, stand on, and use as tools to reach even higher.  I know I could only do so much in 24 hours myself, and that I need the cooperation of others.  

I know my leadership determines whether they want to work with me, or not.  I know they bring their talents, many of which I do not possess myself, to my team and use them every day.

I know for me to achieve any great thing, I need a civil society, people of good character around me, and the efforts of so many on my team and in my community, state, nation and world.

I determine the outcome of my life, and I need others to do it.

Jack Birtwell

I could not agree more !

Brandon Carr

I am grateful for you too, Larry!

Josh Nelson

It is great to see what God does with our lives!
Philippians 2:13 for it is God who works in you, both to will and to work for his good pleasure.

Dustin Gebers

No truer statement has ever been said.

Aaron Stull

Well said

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