Thinking Long Term

Larry Janesky: Think Daily

Short-term thinking most often leads to failure.  Failure in relationships, finances and life.

Long-range thinkers do best.  They set themselves up for what they want to make happen in the future and they know the future will inevitably come.  They delay gratification.  They save and plan and get better.

Today is yesterday’s future and those that thought about where they’d be and what they wanted now are doing far better.  You can tell which people they are.

Live today, yes; while working toward a better future for you.


I’m thankful for Kathy Richardson, too.

Michelle Pomales

Good Morning Larry!
Thank you for the daily encouragement in your blog. I enjoy reading them every Morning before I begin to work, Is inspiring!

Gilbert W orr

Remember the 7 P’s 1. Proper 2. Prior 3. Preparation 4. Presents 5. Piss 6. Poor. 7. Profomance

Todd DeMonte

Great Think Daily blog. I agree 110% and shared it with my family.

Jack Sands

That’s the best advice that I can pass along.

Omar Hotak

Today was my first company meeting. This came in handy. Reading it to the small team who believe in me enough to quit their own jobs to work with me helped. I was at a loss for words, leadership is tough. This helped me in this journey. Thank you

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