The Sandra Weiler Story – what YOU did!

Larry Janesky: Think Daily

Back in 2016, I walked into a coffee shop and while I was waiting I looked at the front page of the newspaper.  Above the fold, I could see a lead story about a woman with cerebral palsy who lives alone in her own home being evicted by the bank.  I picked it up and read the details.

The next day I was at her house.  She was twisted up in a wheelchair and could hardly speak.  Her husband had died about a year earlier.  I found out who the bank was and about how much she owed to get current.  I then asked you, the Think Daily community for donations to help her.  You responded, and donations poured in from across America.  I matched every dollar.

I gave the money to her attorney who was handling it with the bank.  It was more than she owed and I asked him to use the extra to make future payments.  By my calculation, she would never have to make another mortgage payment.

The attorney was disappointing to me.  He gave very little information, and was cold and unhelpful.  I was a bit worried about what would really happen to the money we had raised for Sandra.

Why do I tell you this now?  Fast forward seven years to today.  I found out that Sandra is still in her home!  And – she has remarried!  I’m so happy to know this from a friend who spent time with her in her home.  They are fixing up their home now – a sign that they are looking to the future.

So just a report on a great project for you today!

Can you help someone who needs it?  Enroll your friends and it’s pretty cool what you can do!

Nancie G

Good Morning Larry! What wonderful news to share today.

John Zinno

What a great story Larry and thank you for taking on this initiative and to all of the others who rallied behind you to help someone in need.

Kenneth Byler

This is awesome!

tom matthews

Great story about rallying people to help someone in need. Well done, Larry and others.

Brian DiRisi

Great deed; Great story, and a Great outcome! And now, 6 years latter Sandra is getting a full perimeter system with TripleSafe – Smart lady! ?

Willis Ponds

What a great story Larry! This is what being American is all about!

Russell Dillon

$ doesn’t make you happy
It gives you options.
Those options may make you happier.

Gina F Santamauro

Great story. Nice to know how it ended.

Dave Sippin

Reading about a wonderful outcome like that is a great way to start the morning!

Allen Burchell

Paying it forward with no thought of being repaid, just the thought of helping someone who has what seems to be no hope in sight is a selfless act. kudos to all those who stepped up and helped give Sandra Weiler her life back.

Michael Mitchell

Wonderful story and I’m grateful that you and the think daily check community were able to help in such a significant way.

I listened to the presentation from yesterdays post. It too was heart warming. I was fortunate enough to have been at the event live when it happened. Truly some amazing stories of transformation and success.

Marsha Reynolds

Larry, Now that is a fabulous story! Good for you! We should all be so pro-active.

Harry Burlakoff

Well Done!

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