I'm getting married!

Larry Janesky: Think Daily

Very soon I am getting married! 

I’m not going to get all mushy here, but I am so happy to have found Marie.  We have had so much fun together since we met! 

I have three children and so does she.  Mine are all grown up, and one of hers is, so we have two children in the house.

I am blessed to have experienced so much that a human can, and that has not let up.

Let life touch you.

PS – Oh and don’t worry, while we are on our honeymoon in Toledo (just kidding), you won’t miss any Think Daily messages.  I have written enough ahead to get me (you) through!



I’m so happy for you. I’m also getting married in two weeks. Just like you, I have found the best 🙂

Nancie G

Best wishes to you, Marie and the entire family. You are all blessed to have found each other.

Kenneth Adams

Congratulations, in advance . . . very happy and excited for you & your bride to be!

Christophe Hardenne


Huey Miller



I love~LOVE! I am SO HAPPY for both you you! Congratulations!

George Platt

Larry, I’m thrilled you have this joy in your life.

William Lindberg

Awesome sauce…congratulations and you y’all be blessed.

William Lindberg

Awesome sauce…congratulations and y’all be blessed.

Patrick O'Toole

I wish you both, and the combined family, the best in the next phase of your lives together.

Austin Marcum

Congratulations Larry and Marie!

Thomas Wintz


David K. Bryan

Congratulations Larry. I wish you and Marie health, happiness and a long loving marriage.


Congratukatiobs and blessings.

john wahl

Congratulations Larry, you desire to have a lovely lady in your life. I’m sure she will complete you.




Congratulations! Great news. Thanks for sharing.

Patricia Villers

Congratulations, Larry!


Congratulations Larry!

Jill M.

Such a beautiful photo! Congratulations.

Karen Hettel

Larry I am so happy for both you and Marie, wishing you both a lifetime of happiness

Kim Bell

Congratulations to you both!

Mary Lawrence

Happy Wedding Weekend Larry and Marie! You guys are so cute together and Larry, I’m so happy you are happy again!! <3 Enjoy your days!!

Denise Walsh


David Boaz


Mike Morin

Best wishes to you and Marie. To a long, happy life. Cheers!

Jim Patton


Allen Burchell

Congratulations Larry & Marie,
I speak for everyone at Southeast in wishing you both happiness and a long prosperous life together.

Jodi Lynn Fogarty

CONGRATULATIONS MARIE AND LARRY!! Very happy for the both of you, life is to be enjoyed. Yesterday is gone and tomorrow is not promised, so live your best life TODAY!! -Love ya!!

Jen G

Many wonderful memories and adventures to come! Congratulations! ?

Michael Mitchell

Wishing the best for you and Marie. Congratulations ?

Jeff Russell

Having been around the two of you it’s plain to see that the two of you make a great team and enjoy each other a lot. I’m happy that you found each other and that you get to spend the rest of your lives with the person that you enjoy and love. Congrat’s to the two of you. Exciting times !!! 🙂

Doug Dean

Congratulations!!! The married life is pretty good.


I’m so happy for the two of you. Congratulations! Wishing you a lifetime full of love and happiness.

Matt Erickson

Today I am grateful for you, Larry! Like you, Marie is beautiful inside and out, and it makes me glad to see you so happy together!

Thomas Robert Woodford

Congratulations, Really happy for you!

Jessica Gilbert

Congratulations ?

Gerald Renneberg

Congratulations Marie and Larry. May God bless you both with a long happy life together.

John Swanson

Best wishes to you both! Congratulations and a happy life together!!

Kathy Dick

Congratulations to both of you!!! Enjoy every minute life gives you!!

Lisa Pantaleo

Congratulations and all the best to you and Marie. The best is yet to be.

Wesley martin

Congrats happy for you both

Jim Springsteel

A new marriage is the ultimate good! Congratulations!!

Victor Balzer

Congrats Larry!
Super Happy for you (and Marie) Keep enjoying life Gas On!

Jack Torossian

Congratulation Marie and Larry,
I wish you a happy Life, and may God bless your family.

Dar Hedrick

Congratulations to both of you. Jim and l wish you all that is good for a wonderful life.

Ross Mannuzza


Bob Garbo

Congratulations, you deserve to be happy wishing you and MARIE a very healthy long life.together.Mazel tov

MaryAileen Clark


Kris Bloedow

I’m so happy for you both! NOW you have it all! Congratulations!


Wonderful news…Congratulations to you both Larry! ?

David Cook

Congrats Larry!

Kevin Kelso

and Thank you for the Think Daily.
I read them every morning.

Judy Gebers

What a blessing it is to have someone to share your life (joys and struggles) with. Marie is an amazing woman; strong, independent and totally in love with you. We are all so happy for the both of you. **Love is in the air.**

Aunt Donna

So very happy for you both. Wishing you a beautiful and memorable wedding and honeymoon. Sending much love.

Chris Jennings

Right back atcha! Wishing you a wonderful day and happiness with your soon to be new bride. Braaap!

Susan J Bialasik

Congratulations to you both!

Todd DeMonte

Congratulations, Larry! I wish the best for you and Marie.

Marsha Reynolds

Congratulations! It’s what life is all about. Have fun and Laugh all the time.


Larry, congratulations to you and Marie


Congratulations on your wedding! Wish you and Marie plenty of happiness and abundance of love

Frank Braun

Congratulations to you both!


Congratulations y’all!!!!

Pat Alber

Much happiness to you and Marie!

Alexis L Litz


Renee Daconto

I am so happy for the both of you. May life continue to be full of times that you both are there for each other and making continued memories. God Bless you!

Cory C

Congratulations & best wishes Larry & Marie!

Josh Lowe

So happy for you guys!! Great job and thank you for setting a great example of living a good and full life Larry

timothy Garrett

Congratulations Larry & Marie, it`s a wonderful life!

Steven Tetreault

Congratulations Larry and Marie, so glad you have found TRUE happiness!

Harry Burlakoff

Congrats Larry and Marie!, happy for you guys. 🙂

Mike Fatse

I wish you a wonderful life together.

Soha Haydamous

Amazing couple! Wishing you a beautiful life together ❤️

Lawrence B

Congrats!!! My parents names are Larry and Marie (I know you are Lawrence like me). I wish you every bit of the love , health, and lengthy marriage they have had. Enjoy Toledo! ?

Julie Marra


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