
Larry Janesky: Think Daily

“In great attempts, it is glorious even to fail” – Wilfred Patterson

Last night I was talking to my son Tanner.  It was 108 degrees and he’s driving to Flagstaff AZ to start an 18 mile running race at 7 pm.  He will be running at night when it’s cooler – but still hot.  Then he goes to sleep and wakes up early for another running race at 7 am.  That race…34 miles.  A total of 52 miles.  He is not necessarily a well-trained long-distance runner.  

I didn’t have to ask “Why would you put yourself through all that”.  I know why.

As I write this, he is running.  I do not know the outcome.  I do know he is in pain.

I have entered enough Spartan beast races with him to know the pain, even with preparation.

I have spent months preparing for races I would not likely finish.

I have started endeavors that had no clear outcome that would take many years.

I know.

Great effort and digging deep within you, reveals glory, no matter the outcome.

Jeff Russell

There’s no better feeling than looking back on an event and saying to yourself, “I tried and I feel great because of it!” One certain is you’ll never experience success if you don’t try.

Patricia Villers

All the best to him in his race.

William Lindberg

That is awesome. You find out a lot about yourself when you push yourself to limits even you can’t understand.

Dustin Gebers

Well Stated.

Embrace the suck, soldier on.

Lee Ensz

I needed this today. I feel like there is a lot at stake right now huge hurdles for me to get over. ?

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