When it worked out because it didn't

Larry Janesky: Think Daily

That time you were rejected…that time it didn’t work out….it allowed something else to happen that was great/better.

We can all look back and say that there are times when it didn’t work out and that is a GOOD thing!

We couldn’t see it at the time, but we can now!  

What didn’t work out for you, that was a GOOD thing?

Carolyn Farris

Good morning, Larry. The thing that didn’t work out for me was getting into the Master’s Program I applied for. If I’d have gotten in, I never would have met Daniel Farris or been involved in this industry. What a different path I would’ve taken in life!


My 1st or “trial” marriage didn’t work out- and I was devastated. But 20 + years later (anniversary is 7/20/22) I can tell you that my first marriage made me really understand what I needed and wanted in a partner. 2nd marriage is the best thing I’ve ever done. Well, next to signing up for Think Daily!


I was rejected when asking for a promotion to the manager position at Family Video. I was crushed, because I felt I had put in the effort and deserved the promotion. So, I chose to leave, and I started my career at NOVA. Now, I’ve been with NOVA for 15 years! I’m so blessed to be apart of this organization and network of like-minded people. I can’t imagine what life would have been like the other way. Especially with the rise of Netflix and streaming!

Mike Thibodeau

2001 I built a house in the North End of Bridgeport, in which I raised my family.
Market value was $425K with a total investment of $275K. I chose to stay instead of selling for a sizable profit. 2010 property value dropped to under $260K and I felt as if I had really missed the boat and things could have definitely WORKED OUT better. At the same time Sacred Heart University was expanding at a ridiculous rate, creating an off campus housing shortage. My home being in a perfect location in the proximity of Sacred Heart U, became an instant candidate for rental. After eight years now of renting at a premium rate while also having the ability to leave behind a very profitable legacy for my children, I clearly see how NOT SELLING for a huge profit turned out to be a GREAT THING!!!

Willis Ponds

I’m a firm believer that everything that didn’t work out was actually good for me. The older I get the less I sweat it if something doesn’t work out. I assume it isn’t the right thing at the right time and continue on with the next thing. If it’s the right thing it will come back around at the right time. If it’s the wrong thing then I will be happy it didn’t happen!

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