To set things right…

Larry Janesky: Think Daily

The next classic Contractor Nation School of Entrepreneurship idea is this –

To set things right you have to see things right.

How many times have you made a wrong decision because you didn’t have enough information or you jumped too soon?

You hear a case made by one person and you make a fast decision to fix it, thinking you are doing the right thing…but you acted on information by someone who didn’t have all of it, or who had an incomplete context or worse, a hidden agenda.

Before you make decisions, pause and be sure you have all the information you need to get it right.

Now this caution could lead to its opposite disease, paralysis of analysis.  But many entrepreneurs are type A, check-the-box, fast decision-makers who are not at risk of this problem.  If you are a slow decision-making analytical person, be sure to include what people are saying and not just backroom analytical rigor,  and build a bias for faster action.

To set things right, you have to see things right.


Thank you Larry…
Business owners and leaders can get so myopic in their thinking, that they think the business is them, when in reality it’s the total sum of every single thing they do with everyone they’re doing it with. To see things right we must be willing to view the past for learning, see the present for doing and dream the future for growth.

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