
Larry Janesky: Think Daily

“This communicating of a man’s self to his friend works two contrary effects, for it redoubleth joys, and cutteth griefs in half.” – Francis Bacon

Having great friends is part of living a long satisfying life.  I don’t mean the friends you party with, or the ones you see here and there.  I mean the ones who you have a deep trusting relationship with, who will do anything for you if you needed it.  Ones who care enough to call you out a bit when you need a course correction.  Ones who are there for the high points in your life, and the low ones too.

You don’t need two dozen friends like this, a small handful will do.

Who are your friends like this?

If you need a few more here’s how to get them – be a friend like this first.


A man will have hundreds of buddies in his life time, but only a few that are Worthy of calling a True Friend!
I am Proud to call you a dear Friend!

Aunt Donna

I belong to a women’s group that formed 42 years ago as we dealt with misogynistic men in the workplace as we gained more authoritative positions in our careers. We still meet twice a month and these dear friends will be there for each other for life. We continue to count on all the varied skills in the group- help is just a phone call away! I am blessed.


On the top of my list Kara Gouse!!
Thank you for being such a wonderful person and a great friend!
I am grateful for our friendship.

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