Five Pillars of Healthy Aging

Larry Janesky: Think Daily

This list comes to me from my Aunt Donna who lives in Jacksonville FL.  She is 82 and lives an active life with her 87-year-old husband Stewart.  She worked as a nurse and director of nursing facilities until she was 75.  

Here are her five pillars of healthy aging – 

(Not old yet?  Yeah – that’s why this is important!) (List by her – comments by me.)

Healthy eating – we all know this, but must be more disciplined in a world that is a supply chain for the opposite.

Adequate sleep – that’s when the body and brain heal and rebuild themselves.

Social support – you’ve got to have family and friends and social interaction.  Live for others, and don’t be lonely.

Exercise – the body houses us.  Use it or lose it.

Challenging your brain with lifelong learning – When you stop learning the brain says “ok, I guess we are winding up this go around”.  Keep learning and growing mentally.

Thanks Aunt Donna!

Kathy Dick

Thank you for sharing your Aunt’s words of wisdom!! This hit home today as I am preparing to retire — All Five Pillars are so important!!

Thomas H Mullaly

Maybe I could be the oldest. At least in that select group. I’ll be 82 tomorrow and have been learning from your posts for several years. Thank you.

Marcela Viana

Looks simple but is decisión that will be drive better your live , thanks for share I will working on that !

Dar Hedrick

I like your Aunt Donna’s outlook on a long healthy life. I’m not far behind her!

Aunt Donna

What a surprise! I never expected to be a contributor to “Think Daily”, but I am a Janesky, after all! Thank you Larry. You are a wonderful influence and spread positive messages wherever you are.

Kevin Bishop

Great list! Thanks!

Curt Drew

Love this Larry! We can learn so much from people that are “up there” in age. Your Aunt Donna looks like a great lady!

Patrick O'Toole

I wish I had just an ounce of your outlook and positivity, I’ll keep looking within until I find it!

I’m sharing a new song from an artist I follow who goes by “I Built the Sky”, the song name is “Let Yourself Dream” and I hope you’ll find it as serene and uplifting as I have.
I hope a link is alright!

JOHN A. Sayour

[email protected]

JOHN A. Sayour

I would add: Be “Present”. All day, every day, alone and with everyone.

Kurtis K

Fantastic advice.

Willis Ponds

This is one of my favorite Think Daily’s ever! Real experiences from real people who have been there and done that are priceless! Thanks for sharing!

Paul McManus

Great one Larry. Love the pic of your Aunt! Recently I’ve been taking a dear friend of the family to many independent care homes. One thing I noticed, you don’t see heavy people in these facilities, because they are victims of that supplied food chain you mention. Heavy unhealthy people never get that far to even start looking at these type of care facilities. The friend I took lives by your five pillars. 94 yrs old. Still drives, is a champion bridge player, please bocce, actively involved in the stock market, goes to operas, etc.

Committed to living those same five pillars. Thank you for Think Daily!

Jodi Lynn Fogarty

I Love This!! Thank you Aunt Donna and you look amazing. I wish you health and happiness for a long time!

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