Always be nice

Larry Janesky: Think Daily

“If I have said something to hurt a man once, I shall not get the better of this by saying many things to please him.” – Dr. Samuel Johnson

“Kindnesses are easily forgotten; but injuries!  What worthy man does not keep those in mind?” – William Makepeace Thackeray

You know this is true.  Be nice.

This is much easier if you learn to do your job well and feel good about yourself and what you are doing – and if you eat right and get enough sleep.

Be nice always.


Michelle Bacon

I went to high school at Kolbe-Cathedral in Bridgeport. Our principal Fr. Wissel met with all the freshman class on our first day of school to welcome us to the only Catholic high school in Bridgeport. At the end of his speech he said if you follow this one rule, you will go far in life. This rule was “work hard and be nice”. To this day, over 30 years later, I remember those words and often say them in my head when I am placed in trying situations. It does get you far when you are nice to people. Everyone has something going on in their lives, be nice because you don’t know where their shoes have been.

Chris Jennings

The first time I met you in your office, you invited me and a friend to attend a dedication to new office space in your building and the steel workers artwork/statues you had just purchased. We attended and I will never forget that act of kindness.

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