Who do you want to be?

Larry Janesky: Think Daily

For some of us, it’s an easy question.  

For others, who might say “I already am who I want to be”, you should probably be asking “Can I be better?  Do more?  Serve more?  Become more?”  Don’t get stuck.  If you are breathing, you can continue to grow and make more of the potential you had put in you.

For others, “Who do I want to be” is a question that they have never answered.  Is that you?  If you don’t aspire to a higher ideal, then you have no reason, no aim, and your days will be wasted in distraction without purpose.

Who do you want to be that you aren’t yet?

Adam Catterson

For me this is a quest of trying to be better than I was yesterday. Even if its only a little bit or 1 little thing I do better today than yesterday. At the end of the week that would be 7 things I’m better at then last week. Specifically I want to be a better Husband, Father, Believer, Leader, Listener, and Implementer.

Jeff Russell

I always want to be the person that stays in touch with reality. I never want to lose touch with my team, family or friends. I’m loyal, I like that about me! Who I want to be most, is a dependable person that people trust and can count on.

Jennifer Porter

How am I supposed to know who I want to be?! I only just turned 22. When am I supposed to have this figured out by? Larry this made me stressed. All I know is that I never want to stop learning and growing. I never want to be stagnant or average and I want to be someone who is constantly motivating and changing the world of the people I interact with throughout life.

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